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Causes of female infertility

Опубликовано: 05.02.2021 в 12:30


Категории: Articles


A disease should be understood as a violation of organ function, accompanied by pain, swelling, fever, redness, expressed to one degree or another. Acute inflammation usually begins in the vulva and is the result of infection through sexual intercourse. After a certain period of time, called incubation (depending on the pathogen, it can be from 1 day to several weeks), discharge appears from the urethra and / or vagina. They can have a pus-like, slimy, frothy or cheesy appearance, can be abundant, scanty, observed only in the morning, or, when passing into a chronic form, be episodic. In this case, the patient may be bothered by itching, burning, sometimes pain when urinating or independently of it. Without treatment or with improper treatment, such acute phenomena gradually subside, but the infection is not eliminated, but becomes chronic. Ascending pathogens penetrate the internal genital organs, causing their inflammatory development. Signs of the inflammatory process of the internal genital organs are pain in the lower abdomen, groin, lower back, in men – the testicles, sometimes radiating to the inner thighs.

Types of female infertility

Опубликовано: 05.02.2021 в 11:47


Категории: Articles


The diagnosis “female infertility” is heard by about every second married couple who are unsuccessfully trying to conceive a child.

Depending on what factors prevent conception and pregnancy, the following types of female infertility are distinguished:

  • tubal and peritoneal infertility;
  • endocrine infertility;
  • uterine infertility;
  • immunological infertility;
  • psychological infertility;
  • unclear infertility.

Tubal and peritoneal infertility

Tubal infertility occurs due to anatomical and functional disorders of the fallopian tubes, peritoneal – due to the adhesions in the small pelvis. In most cases, these two types of infertility are combined with each other and are referred to as tubal peritoneal infertility (TPI).

Endocrine infertility

Endocrine or hormonal infertility, as a rule, occurs in infertile women who suffer from various pathological changes in the menstrual cycle (shortening the time of menstrual bleeding to one or two days, lengthening the menstrual cycle for more than thirty-five days, absence of menstruation – amenorrhea). < / p>

Such infertility can also be suspected in patients with clinical signs of excess production of male sex hormones, hyperprolactinemia, insufficient production of estrogen, or metabolic disorders (obesity or dystrophy). It is this type of infertility that occurs in women with Itsenko-Cushing’s syndrome or disease, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism and other hormonal diseases.

Uterine infertility

The cause of uterine infertility is uterine malformations, infectious and inflammatory processes in the organ, benign tumors (polyps, fibroids, fibroids, fibroids), as well as tumor-like formations – cysts. Very often, pregnancy does not occur due to problems with the cervix, which occur due to genital infections, inflammation or erosion of the cervix.

Immunological infertility

This type of infertility is diagnosed by performing a postcoital test. It is carried out only when hormonal, tubo-peritoneal and uterine infertility are excluded. Immunological disorders occur in about 2% of cases of infertility and are associated with the appearance of substances in the cervical mucus that damage or even destroy male germ cells – sperm.

Psychological infertility

Various stressful situations lead to psychological infertility: intra-family conflicts, a tense atmosphere at work, a very strong desire to get pregnant, or, conversely, fear of motherhood. As a result, menstrual irregularities occur in a woman’s body, imitating hormonal infertility. In addition, stress leads to disruption of the autonomic system and, as a result, functional tubal obstruction appears due to discordant, uncoordinated movement of the smooth muscles of the fallopian tubes.

Infertility of an unclear nature

Infertility of an unclear nature is a diagnosis of exclusion. It is installed after standard and specialized diagnostic methods, as well as excluding all known types of infertility.


Опубликовано: 02.02.2021 в 22:40


Категории: Our specialization


What to do and what to do in case of infertility? – instruction from A to Z

Quick and correct determination of the cause of infertility (infertility) of a married couple is the main factor determining the success of infertility treatment.

Algorithm of your actions


Consultation with a gynecologist-reproductologist (if there is a male factor of infertility, consultation with an andrologist).

Preliminary examination

Preliminary clinical and laboratory examination.

Infertility diagnostics


Repeated consultation with a gynecologist-reproductologist to determine the tactics of treatment. Modern methods of infertility treatment include: Medication, Laparoscopy and assisted reproductive technologies (ART).

Preliminary preparation for laparoscopy

Prior preparation is required if laparoscopy is required.


In the presence of concomitant somatic diseases, consultations of related specialists and the necessary additional examination are carried out.

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